
learn numbers in languages free

Numbers 0-20 in World Languages

Numbers 0-20 in six languages (English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish).

travel interpreter phrasebook app for ipad

Travel Interpreter is a talking phrasebook that translates English into 33 languages

Unlike other translation apps that will translate just about anything, Travel Interpreter focus solely on…

translate words using ipad app google

Translate words and sentences in over 100 languages with Google Translate

It seems like everyday that Google is becoming smarter.

French to English translation cards for learning the days of the week and months of the year

Learn French: Days, Months and Seasons

A set of key vocabulary cards for translating English and French words.

Weather cards translating French to English

Learn French: Weather

A set of key vocabulary cards for translating English and French words.

Number translation cards from French to English

Learn French: Numbers and Age

A set of key vocabulary cards for translating English and French words.

French to English date and time translation cards

Learn French: Date and Time

A set of key vocabulary cards for translating English and French words.

French to English country translations for children

Learn French: Languages and Countries

A set of key vocabulary cards for translating English and French words.

French to English translation cards for colours

Learn French: Colours

A set of key vocabulary cards for translating English and French words.

French to English translation cards for names

Learn French: Name

A set of key vocabulary cards for translating English and French words.

French to English translations for the alphabet with pronunciations

French Alphabet Pronunciation

Our French alphabet pack includes 26 printable cards that teach you how to pronounce the…

Basic vocabulary cards for family relationships in French to English

Learn French: Family

A set of key vocabulary cards for translating English and French words.