A brilliant app for teaching children cursive writing

learn to write cursive app for ipad

An introduction to cursive writing almost seems like it was made for a tablet. Being able to directly trace over letters, with spoken guidance, certainly makes the whole process a lot easier. In Cursive Writing Wizard you have an app that not only teaches, but makes it fun too.

The app consists of 5 modes: shapes, uppercase, lowercase, numbers and your own custom words. The shape mode basically allows the user to become familiar with drawing on a touchscreen with their finger and understanding how the tracing works. Avoid the uppercase letters as some of them are completely illegible and not worth the hassle. The lowercase letters and numbers work great, but the real treat is the custom words. This mode lets you add your own words with an accompanying audio recording — great for children learning to write their name!

The app has been designed so that a teacher or parent can closely monitor a child’s progress. By accessing the Tracings Report you can see what words have been completed as well as a replay of how it was achieved. These tracings can be exported to an email address so that you can share the progress with a parent, friend or relative.

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