The Alphabetizer sorts any list into alphabetical order

A screenshot of The Alphabetizer

The Alphabetizer is a really useful online tool that sorts lists into alphabetical order in just one click.

It works best when you enter a list with one word per line but it should also work with a comma-seperated list (we couldn’t get it to work, maybe a browser issue?).

In addition to sorting your list into alphabetical order, it has a number of other useful features that teachers will appreciate. It can capitalise titles, make all lowercase, sort by last name, remove duplicates and add a number or name to the beginning or end of each term.

The example below removes a duplicate, sorts into alphabetical order, capitalises the titles and adds a number — all in 4 quick clicks.

Before After
toy story 1. Brave
monsters inc 2. Cars
toy story 3. Finding Nemo
cars 4. Monsters Inc
wall-e 5. Toy Story
up 6. Up
brave 7. Wall-e
finding nemo

Tip: If you want your list sorted alphabetically, complete this action first, because if you add anything before it (like numbers or roman numerals) it will think that your list is already sorted.

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