Cargo-Bot: Teach a robot to move crates using basic programming skills

cargobot ipad app program robot

Cargo-Bot is a great puzzle game where you have to program a robotic crane, to successfully pickup and move crates. This is done by providing the robot with a number of commands such as, right, left and down. What makes Cargo-Bot different from any other puzzle game, is that it was programmed entirely on an iPad. All of the code was written in an app called Codea, which is also made by the same developers of Cargo-Bot.

At the beginning of the app, you can choose between six level packs that vary in difficulty. All of the levels are unlocked to begin with, so if you feel like a harder challenge, you don’t have to wait around to unlock them. If students solve a puzzle that’s worth saving, you can download a video of your solution so that you have a copy on your iPad. This can then be shared on a class blog or presented to the class.

Overall, Cargo-Bot teaches the basic principles of coding in a fun, free way. The fact that it was created entirely on an iPad is sure to inspire future app developers.


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