Transform a boring wall with chalkboard paper

Blackboard foil for the classroom

Turn any surface into a chalkboard with this brilliant adhesive paper; enabling you to transform a boring wall into an interactive workspace!

Chalkboard paper is also great for customising everyday objects such as pencil pots, trays and cupboards. To wipe clean the paper you just use a damp cloth and all the chalk is removed. If you ever wanted to remove the paper from the wall, it simply pulls off – leaving behind no unwanted sticky residue! So there will be no problems when you mount more work in the same place.

One tube provides you with 200x45cm of chalkboard paper – which covers an area of 10.75ft². To avoid any air bubbles when you stick down the paper – borrow an extra pair of hands to help you smooth it all out. If you don’t fancy making your own, you can buy pre-made mini chalkboards that can be attached using velcro.



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