Colourful Reward Bookmarks for Stickers

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Reward bookmarks in bright colours. Blue, pink, yellow and green. Each one displays 10 spaces for attaching a sticker.

Our simple reward bookmarks are a great way to motivate children to read.

They can be used to track progress, set goals, or as part of a bigger reward.

They come with 10 numbered circles for children (or adults!) to fill in as they read – each one the perfect size for a 25mm circular sticker.

Children can earn stickers by reading for a certain amount of time, finishing a book, or completing a reading challenge. Once they have earned enough stickers, they could trade them in for a bigger reward (such as a new book, art supplies, science kit, certificate etc.).

Reward bookmarks are a great way to make reading fun and worthwhile. They can help develop a love of books and encourage children to reach their reading goals.

The pack includes 4 different colours and each design highlights the halfway point at number 5 and the final step at number 10.

Each bookmark measures 59x143mm and there are 4 per page.

P.S. Don’t forget to print at 100% scale to ensure the circles are exactly 25mm 😊

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