Emoji Dice Templates: A Fun Way to Help Kids Write Creative Stories

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A yellow emoji dice made out of paper displaying emoji expressions. The background is purple and blue.

Emojis are a fun and popular way to communicate with friends and family. But they’re also a great tool for helping children write creatively.

Our printable emoji dice templates are a set of 21 dice that have a different emoji on each face. We’ve included 126 emoji in total and they’re split across 9 categories: faces, animals, food, activities, transport, objects, places, weather and characters.

Story ideas can be created using some or all of the dice as quick visual writing prompts. For example, you might roll an angry face, cat and a slice of pizza, which I’m sure you’ll agree is an adventure waiting to be written.

A gif of printable emoji dice templates that rotate through various categories, such as faces, animals and food. The templates are yellow with a sky blue background.

All of the dice templates are yellow but we have included a black and white version if you wanted to save ink or print onto coloured card.

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