The Food Checklist poster helps you try something new

Close-up of the food checklist for ticking off foods you've tried

This fun poster from The Food Guide displays 350 foods from around the world, each with an accompanying checkbox.

The idea being that when you eat an item on the list, you can tick it off for your own records.

Whether it’s for family use or displayed in the classroom, we think it’s a fantastic idea. It also encourages children to eat healthy as everything on the list is a natural product, meaning there’s no pizza or chicken nuggets in sight!

Not only could you use the food checklist for healthy eating topics, but you could also look into the geography of different items and where they’re grown. If you’re unsure of any of the items listed, you can flip the poster over for a complete glossary.

It’s £3.99 with free postage and they ship anywhere in the world.

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