Get your creative juices flowing with an inspirational sketchbook

Inspirational sketchbook

Fill in the Blank is an inspirational sketchbook that has removed sections of an image allowing you to recreate a masterpiece and get creative.

This inspirational sketchbook is a fantastic book filled with over 100 images that have a blank space for you to draw in. Part of the image has been edited out, allowing you to recreate it in your own inventive way. Similar to the Original Anti-Colouring Book, it gets you to think outside the box and just have fun! Your drawings might be silly, serious or experimental, either way you’re going to have a great time filling them all out.

The sketchbook is not just great for teachers but pupils too! You could photocopy pages for the classroom as there’s blank plates for drawing food (teaching about healthy eating) and landscapes for imagining your dream castle.

It’s so important as a teacher to keep your creative mind alive and this is a great book for reinvigorating, inspiring and helping spark a super lesson idea.

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