Pitch your ideas to the world and get funding with Kickstarter

Kickstarter logo with money and seedling

Kickstarter doesn’t have to be about funding a new business. You can use the platform to fund just about anything.

You might look to conduct a massive science experiment that you live stream to your investors or as a way to fund a brilliant app idea from one of your students. Kickstarter is about raising funds for the whacky and the wonderful.

It gives you the opportunity to:

  • Pitch your ideas to the world and get funding to make it happen


  • Discover and provide funding for other people’s great ideas

Each project will have a target amount of money they need, to make the project happen. Depending on how much you pledge, you will receive a gift from the company requesting funds. Sometimes the gift is the product itself, or if it’s a movie that needs funding, you might bag yourself a name in the credits. So if you have a project idea but no money – Kickstarter is a great way to see if the public like your creation.

There is a lot of potential uses for teachers. Just one application is, Enterprise in the classroom. You could pitch your ideas on Kickstarter to get funding for the Community Cafe you are opening, tutor centre you are running, flower exhibition, art gallery, etc. It makes all those ‘if onlys’ finally possible.

Link to Kickstarter


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