Collect, organise and share student work digitally using Three Ring

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The nature of assessment is changing. It isn’t just about a grade at the end of a test. It’s now about giving an overall picture of a pupils’ progress and achievements.

More and more evidence of learning is captured through photographs, videos and sound bites. The problem with this is collecting, organising and sharing this evidence isn’t always practical. Three Ring is a service for teachers that bridges that gap.

Once you add your class it’s easy to start uploading videos, photos, audio and scanned pieces of work. You can organise the work easily by using keywords. Three Ring assure us there is no limit for the number of documents you can upload and your pupils’ work is safely backed up on their secure servers.

Three Ring have big plans for the future and they’re working to develop the system to suit the needs of educators. They plan to introduce different types of accounts for administrators, students and parents. These accounts will be tied together like an ecosystem, where collaboration and sharing is very possible.

With the introduction of accounts the future possibilities are very exciting. This is potentially a very powerful tool to track the progress a pupil makes throughout their education. Their portfolios could continue to grow as they move through their schooling career with teachers and pupils’ adding to it each year.

Three Ring has an app for the iPad, iPhone and it can also be accessed on the web. It’s fast, easy and most importantly free.

Give it a try or find out more information here:


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