Great ideas for outdoor adventure with Wild Time

play outdoors app ideas nature

In a world dominated by technology, sometimes children need a gentle reminder to go outside and play instead of glued to a TV or computer screen. The Wild Time app is part of ‘Project Wild Thing‘ that looks to reconnect children with the outdoors.

iPads are wonderful teaching tools but there’s no substitute for time spent outside — exploring, playing, imagining and creating.

The Wild Time app is split into sections depending on how much time you have. From 10 minutes to half a day, there are hundreds of activities to explore. Even though the app itself isn’t very entertaining, it’s the idea and content that we love. Anything that encourages children not to be totally consumed by technology is a great thing.

A quick note when you open the app: It sometimes crashes when opening in landscape mode so make sure to keep it in portrait orientation.

Using Wild Time in the Classroom

  • Outdoor lesson ideas
  • During school trips

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