Prioritise your tasks with the One Big Thing app

iphone app to-do one big thing

Do you ever feel like you just have too many things to remember that you end up forgetting the most important one? Well, with this app you won’t ever need to feel that way again.

One Big Thing is an app that lets you prioritise your most important task for that day. It’s simple, straightforward and keeps you on top of your busy schedule without weighing you down. With its user-friendly graphics and layout, it’s easy to navigate, so you can add in your tasks each day, including your most important one, and you’ll have the to-do list with you for you to check on your phone whenever you need to.

You can check off the tasks as you do them and start fresh again each morning when you’ll get a notification to list your things to do that day. You can even add in tasks ahead of schedule, so that you really are organised, and program them for the next day.

The difference between the One Big Thing app and other life-organising apps is that it keeps your main task at the forefront of your list, so it will always be the priority for that day. The other things on your to-do list are listed underneath and have cool little bubble stickers that pop up once you’ve completed a task.

It’s certainly a handy little app to have, especially for a teacher, and it makes organising schedules and timetables a lot easier – plus you won’t ever need to wonder where in the world you put your to-do list, as it’ll be right there on your phone! Even better, it’s also free! But you can pay for the upgrade if you want more colourful graphics and funkier stickers.



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