Information and notes for teaching applications

Screenshot of the Teach app

Using the advice received from other people, I have made some mind maps using key words, buzz words and current initiatives in education.

I’ve written how my experience applies to these areas, which I will then transfer into smaller sentences then eventually my own application. Once this is done, you have everything compiled to help with your interview preparation. I thought I would share a generic version of these mind maps without my personal experience and application so you can make it your own. There is a lot of overlap and repetition, this isn’t an accident, there are so many cross overs in education and making my maps help remind me and link ideas together.

N.B. The mind maps were made in the iPad app SimpleMind+ Free. The information shared in this post has been selected from a wide variety of sources notably: TES Forums, TESS, Aberdeenshire Probationer Support Programme – Successful Applications and Interview Techniques, colleagues advice, The Standards for Full Registration, old university notes and personal experience!



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