A long list of useful websites for teachers

list of great websites for teachers

Note: the collection is not in any particular order as it covers such a wide range of categories.

1. Bitly

Turn a long, complex website link into something more manageable.

2. qClock

Find the current time for major cities around the world. Mouse-over the map or search for specific places.

3. CopyPasteCharacter

Quickly find unusual characters such as fractions (¼ ½ ¾), or emojis.

4. Icon Finder

Perfect for adding some interest to worksheets, forms or presentations.

5. Microsoft Office Templates

Flyers, calendars, newsletters and more, pre-made and ready to edit.

6. Egg Timer

Quickly set a timer that displays full screen for all to see.

7. Random.org

Generates random numbers for games or competitions. Includes dice rolls, lottery numbers and a coin flipper.

8. PDF Escape

Edit PDF documents and forms in the browser, for free.

8. Compare Sizes

Helps you visualise the size differences between multiple objects. Just enter the height, length and width of each item.

9. WhatTheFont!

Identifies the font from any uploaded image.

10. Google Web Fonts

A large, growing collection of free fonts.

11. Join Me

Share your screen to any other computer.

12. Online OCR

Converts a scanned PDF or image file into an editable document.

13. We Transfer

Send files that are too big for email attachments.

14. Hundred Zeros

An list of Amazon Kindle books that are free to download.

15. Grammarly

Checks and improves your punctuation and grammar for everyday writing.

16. Marker.to

Highlight relevant parts on a webpage using your mouse.

17. Which Date Works?

Plan an event or meeting that works around everyone’s availability.

18. Noteflight

Create and use music notation on any device.

19. Google Translate

Translate websites and text from one language to another.

20. Kleki

Draw and paint using a variety of brushes and colours.

21. Similar Sites

Discover an alternative to a website you already know.

22. Wordle.net

Create a beautiful word cloud out of a passage of text.

23. Adobe Color

Create palettes for a project or pick out colours from a photograph.

24. Let Me Google That For You

Provide a link to someone for a Google search result.

25. Down for Everyone or Just Me?

If a website isn’t loading, quickly check if it’s an issue with your connection or worldwide.

26. Google History/Activity

Look back through your search history to find a forgotten website (assuming you’re logged into your Google account).

27. Urban Dictionary

A crowdsourced online dictionary of slang words and phrases (mainly used by teens).

28. Free Images

A huge database of free stock photographs.

29. Scribble Maps

Draw, scribble and annotate over Google Maps.

30. Typing.com

Learn to type quickly and efficiently. Includes a school edition for teachers and students.

31. Preceden

Create a professional timeline of events for visualising important dates, deadlines, and milestones.

32. Mixlr

Create a live school radio station and broadcast to the world.

33. Fiverr

Hire someone for $5 to complete a task. Have a story illustrated, a school blog setup or a topic researched.

34. If This Then That (IFTTT)

Connect two apps or devices and have them smartly work together.












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