VoiceThread gives your presentations a platform for discussion

voicethread audio presentation app

Voicethread is an app for creating presentations but with the added benefit of discussion. Usually a presentation is consumed and there are no easy ways for the viewer to add their own voice. By utilising the ability to add comments on a slide-by-slide basis, Voicethread turns presentations into a more social and feedback-driven experience.

For the Voicethread creator, you have a number of options when it comes to adding content. Images, documents, presentations, videos and narration can all be added, and the media is displayed on individual slides like a presentation.

For viewers of the Voicethread, the main feature is the comments. Text and audio can be used to help get your point across, which then appears on the side of the slide for others to see. It’s a great way to not only assess knowledge and understanding, but as a way to spark discussion between students.

Voicethreads are shared using a basic link, so pretty much anywhere like email or social media, which then forwards you to the Voicethread website for you to view. If you have a class or school website, you can also embed the Voicethread (with comments) directly on the website.

If you don’t have a subscription (starting at $79 per year), you’ll be limited to 5 Voicethreads. So at least you can give it a go to see if it’s something you’ll use.

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