WW1 for Kids is a basic timeline of events with added interactive features

world war one app for children ipad

How did the First World War start and why? What was it like being a soldier in the trenches? What did it mean to go over the top?

WW1 for Kids is a very easy app to navigate as it involves tapping through slides, similar to a Powerpoint presentation. On each slide you are given written information and audio, as well as the occasional interactive feature like firing a weapon from within a trench.

Although the information in every slide is different, there is a lower menu that is always visible. This menu displays a timeline of events, key facts and extra audio commentary. The audio commentary provides extra information to what is displayed on the page, and a nice touch is that it looks like it’s being read by a World War One soldier.

Learning about World War One can sometimes be a bit boring, but the information provided in the app is very kid-friendly and genuinely interesting. If there’s one thing we wish it could do, it would be a scrollable timeline. The fact that it’s static makes it quite difficult for pupils to connect events on a larger scale.


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